Why Kenya should be YOUR next holiday destination (Part 2)

Sunrise over the Ocean
There is no way to fully express precisely how much we think Kenya should be your next holiday destination.  There are so many reasons why we adore this incredible country that it seems virtually impossible to narrow down a list. Nevertheless, we have tried our best to do so. In part one, we spoke about Kenya’s mouth-watering food, pristine beaches, abundant marine life, ancient history and the great migration. So, if you are still looking for a reason to experience Kenya, read on as we give you a few more of ours.

If you missed out on part one, click the link below… Don’t worry, we’ll wait right here for you.
Why Kenya should be YOUR next holiday destination (Part 1)

6. Kenyan Coffee

Kenyan Coffee Beans
We are sure that you have already savoured a mug of delicious, aromatic, Kenyan coffee. Kenyan Coffee is one of the most popular coffees around the world and is often a preferred single-origin coffee. The majority of beans grown in Kenya are of the Arabica variety. There are a few Robusta beans grown in Kenya, as well. Kenyan coffee beans are medium-bodied with a rich flavour and, depending on the bean varietal, you can pick up on tones ranging from black-currant berries to tart citrus. Keep in mind that this is just an overview of the flavours you can expect. Depending on the region the beans are from, various Kenyan beans may have a slight difference in the aftertaste.

PS. Did you know that Kenya is ranked the 25th largest exporter of coffee in the world?

7. Lakes and Waterfalls

Waterfall in Kenya
Kenya is known for her sandy beaches and vast wildlife, but what many people don’t know is that there is so much more, to Kenya, which will make your jaw drop! Several breath-taking waterfalls and shimmering lakes can be found all around Kenya – each offering various attractions. Some are home to aquatic birds; others host hot springs and geysers; some have islands; there are even a few shared with other countries.

Below are a few Waterfalls, Rivers and Lakes along with their distance from Mnarani Club:

  • Sheldrick Falls – 107km
  • Voi River – 172km
  • Lake Chala – 290km
  • Lake Jipe – 304km
  • Chania Falls – 546km
  • Lake Navasha – 599km
  • Lake Magadi – 604km
  • Lake Elmenteita – 639km
  • Ragati River – 641km

8. Mountains and Reserves

Mount Kenya
Did you know that Kenya is known as the original safari country?  This fascinating country is home to more than 40 National Parks and Wildlife Reserves. These Parks and Reserves have been set aside by the Kenyan Government to protect Kenya’s diverse wildlife and vegetation. There are also more than 20 different Mountains in Kenya – most of which are found in National Parks and Wildlife Reserves. Pack your hiking shoes and explore the great outdoors during your next Kenyan vacation.

Here are a few National Parks, Reserves and Mountains along with their distance from Mnarani Club:

National Parks

  • Arabuko Sokoke National Park – 17.8km
  • Tsavo West National Park – 298km
  • Chyulu Hills National Park – 314km
  • Tsavo East National Park – 348km

National Reserves

  • Mwaluganje elephant sanctuary – 94km
  • Shimba Hills National Reserve – 107km
  • Witu Forest Reserve (Utwani Forest Reserve) – 223km
  • Tana River Primate Reserve – 224km

Mountain Ranges

  • Mount Satima – 598km
  • Mount Kinangop – 599km
  • Mount Kenya – 655km
  • Chepunyal Hills – 991km

9. Handmade Crafts

Kenyan Fabrics
Kenya has a rich and vibrant history made up of numerous cultures and traditions. Each of the various ethnic communities craft their type of art and artefacts using readily available, local materials. Most popular are the skilfully crafted, wooden figurines which display precise detail and craftsmanship. Hand-woven sisal baskets, Maasai beaded jewellery, musical instruments, soapstone sculptures, tribal masks, figurines, paintings, prints, batik cloth, Kangas as well as the stunning traditional Kikoys (African sarongs) are other forms of common Kenyan artefacts. These handmade crafts make excellent gifts for friends and family back home.

10. The People

Kenyan Locals
Kenyans are very welcoming people who will greet everyone extensively when they meet. Handshaking is common amongst men when meeting and leaving. Women also shake hands with each other, however, will only shake a man’s hand when in a formal setting. It will be beneficial to keep this in mind when interacting with locals. Another essential point to keep in mind is that the left hand is considered unsanitary in Kenyan culture. So, be sure to use your right hand when passing anything to someone or when touching anyone.

Kenyans have a casual approach to time. You are likely to hear and recognise the phrase “Hakuna Matata” from the Disney movie, The Lion King, meaning “don’t worry and enjoy life”, particularly along the coast. However, they will always make time for you.

You may become frustrated with the Kenyan sense of time during the first few days of your vacation, however, soon enough, you will start appreciating the slowness of life, and go along with it. The locals will make you feel like you are home away from home.

Do you have a few reasons of your own as to why Kenya is your favourite holiday destination?
Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page.

PS. Don’t forget to keep an eye on our Specials Page for amazing offers.

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