Diving in Kilifi

Buccaneer diving runs a diving school from introductory courses to the most advanced diving courses in Kilifi at Mnarani Club.

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What makes diving in Kilifi such a special experience is that you can dive several natural sites. Because it is in tropical waters the coral reefs are spectacular and a huge variety of tropical fish and other marine life occurs in the warm waters.

There are also to wrecks approximately 1,5 km from the shore.

The Dania wreck is an artificial reef created by the sinking of the ship in 2002. It was a cargo vessel that was converted to a livestock carrier that operated between South Africa, Mauritius and Mozambique. When retired Buccaneer diving intervened and prepared it to be sunk. This preparation was necessary to make it safe for diving expeditions, well as being environmentally safe.

This wreck lies at 30m below the surface, perfectly upright and is now a habitat for marine life to flourish. A large number of different species of made the wreck their habitat.

In view of the success of the Dania another ship was acquired and prepared for setting up another artificial reef. The Fish Eagle underwent the necessary preparations and was sunk in December 2014. Already a number of fish moved into the wreck and it will be very interesting to see how the development of the habitat will progress. Buccaneer Diving is doing regular surveys to keep track of the different species that are seen at the new wreck.

Holland and Kilfi 365

Another artificial reef in the area project in the area is reef project within the Mombasa Marine Park. Buccaneer Diving hopes that this project will become an attraction to divers and snorkelers alike. The designated sites in the park and reserve have depths between 4-8m making the artificial reef structures within everybody’s limits

Coral reefs are one of the most valuable and productive ecosystems in the world, with species diversity rivalled only by tropical rainforests. They are, however, also amongst the most sensitive ecosystems to human interference and climatic change. The artificial reef structures will improve the user value of coral reefs in the Mombasa area by enhancing their attraction to recreational users such as divers, thus supporting the tourism industry. In addition, the artificial reefs may enhance fish populations in local areas and could be of benefit to the local fishing industry.

Mnarani Hotel/Club offers the perfect accommodation for any diver who want to dive this area, by offering additional water sport packages free of charges while relaxing or waiting for the next dive.

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