Why YOU Need a Holiday

You Need a Holiday - Airplane

2020 has been a tumultuous year, however, now that travel is allowed once again, we look forward to creating everlasting holiday memories for every one of our guests. With travel legislations easing up across the globe, we are so excited to be able to welcome guests back to the Resort for some much-needed rest and relaxation. We are sure that you have been dreaming of your next holiday, and while there is no need to justify your need for a holiday, here are a few reasons why we think you need – no, deserve – a holiday!

PS. Our Team have been hard at work preparing for, and implementing stringent health and safety protocols to protect our guests and staff.

Holidays are Important for Families

You Need a Holiday - Family

Whether your household consists of two people, three people or more, holidays can benefit your family in so many ways. If you are contemplating travelling with children, looking to build stronger family bonds, or simply looking to create new memories – holidays are the perfect solution!

Holidaying with Children

Did you know that holidays are vital for families, especially those with children? Many people may not enjoy travelling with small or young children; however, children can have new and unique experiences while learning about the world around them, and thus, these children become open-minded. Holidays also allow families to spend more uninterrupted time together without the distractions of everyday life. Holidays also boost the confidence of children and their parents.

Family Relationships

Holidays are a great time to unplug as a family and spend some much-needed quality time together. We understand that most families “spend time together” by staring at various screens – a television screen, computer or laptop screens, tablet screens or even cell phone screens. However, by turning these devices off during a holiday, families can come together and spend quality time together. So use your next holiday to escape the ‘busyness’ and fully engage with your loved ones. Take the opportunity to talk to each other about future dreams and goals.

Memories over things

What makes a vacation is not necessarily the destination, but the memories you create as a family. Did you know that “experiential gifts produce greater improvements in relationship strength than material gifts.” as published in the Journal of Consumer Research. Instead of gifting loved ones with things, plan a special holiday and give them the gift of everlasting memories.

Holidays are Great for Your Career

Did you know that going on holiday is beneficial to your career? By taking time off, you can enhance your concentration, boost your motivation, and even improve your mental health. Holidays also reduce the likelihood of experiencing burnout. Taking that much-needed time off will actually increase productivity as employees return to work refreshed and end up working more efficiently. To have a successful career, people believe that they need to chain themselves to their desk, which is not the case. You cannot produce effective results with massive bags under your eyes – at some point, your productivity and energy will suffer. Here are a few reasons how going on holiday can positively affect your career:

  • Increases productivity, workplace morale and employee retention
  • Influences creativity
  • Employees are energized when they return
  • Holidays affect your overall happiness
  • Improves concentration
  • Increases job satisfaction

Kenya is the perfect destination for your next Business Conference – Read more about how you can make the most of your Kenyan Business Trip.

Holidays are Good for Your Health

You Need a Holiday - Health

The opposite of a holiday is overworking, which can lead to numerous physical and mental health problems. Many people do not take their leave as they are fearful of being seen as uncommitted to their work, the consequences of being away from the office, or coworker judgement. None of this should deter you from going on holiday! As read in the previous section, a holiday can positively impact your career. Regardless of your career, there are numerous health benefits to going on holiday, a few of them are listed below:

  • Improves heart health
  • Prevents heart disease
  • Decreases the risk of a heart attack
  • Improves mental health
  • Increases mindfulness
  • Reduces depression
  • Lifts mood
  • Reduces stress and blood pressure
  • Improves sleep patterns

Yes, you can purchase a ticket to happiness – it is called a booking confirmation.

Holidays Boost the Economy

You Need a Holiday - Economy

The travel and tourism industry plays a critical role in strengthening the economy. By attracting domestic and international guests and encouraging them to explore the surrounding areas, we can boost the economy and create jobs for locals. When people go on holiday, they spend money on accommodation, dining, and attractions which benefit local businesses and the surrounding community. After surviving through the coronavirus pandemic, every economy has taken a significant knock – especially the tourism industry. Your holiday can benefit not only yourself and your family, but also others – too! Numerous families have lost their livelihood due to the closing of the tourism industry. By going on holiday, you are helping to boost the economy. Right now, going on holiday is truly a selfless act!

Now that you know why you need a holiday, here are a few reasons why Kenya Should Be Your Next Holiday Destination and what you should Pack for Your Next Mnarani Holiday.

Are there any other ways you believe holidays can be beneficial? Have you noticed any benefits of your holiday experiences? Share your thoughts with us and give us a follow on:

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